Area Rug Cleaning

PRO Carpet Cleaning

Steam cleaning is an effective method for deep cleaning rugs and removing dirt, stains, and allergens. It’s recommended to have rugs professionally steam cleaned periodically to maintain their appearance and prolong their lifespan.

Steam cleaning, also known as hot water extraction, is a method commonly used for cleaning rugs, carpets, upholstery, and other textiles. It involves using hot water, sometimes mixed with detergent, and injecting it into the rug fibers at high pressure. Here’s an overview of how steam cleaning for rug cleaning typically works:

  1. Preparation: Before starting the steam cleaning process, it’s essential to prepare the area. This may involve vacuuming the rug to remove loose dirt, debris, and pet hair. It’s also a good idea to move any furniture out of the way to ensure thorough cleaning.

  2. Spot Treatment: If there are any stains or heavily soiled areas on the rug, pre-treating them with a suitable stain remover or detergent may be necessary. This helps to break down the stains and makes them easier to remove during the steam cleaning process.

  3. Steam Cleaning Machine Setup: A steam cleaning machine, equipped with a tank for hot water and detergent, is used for the cleaning process. The machine heats the water to a high temperature and then sprays it onto the rug fibers at high pressure. Some machines also have built-in vacuum systems to extract the dirty water and debris from the rug.

  4. Cleaning Solution Application: A cleaning solution, typically a mixture of water and detergent, is applied to the rug using the steam cleaning machine. The solution helps to loosen dirt, stains, and allergens trapped in the rug fibers.

  5. Agitation: In some cases, a rotary brush or other agitation device may be used to scrub the cleaning solution into the rug fibers, further loosening dirt and debris.

  6. Extraction: After the cleaning solution has been applied and allowed to dwell for a short period, the steam cleaning machine’s vacuum system is used to extract the dirty water and detergent from the rug. This process removes the loosened dirt, stains, and allergens, leaving the rug cleaner and fresher.

  7. Drying: Depending on the amount of water used during the steam cleaning process, the rug may take several hours to dry completely. Proper ventilation and airflow can help expedite the drying process.

  8. Finishing Touches: Once the rug is dry, it may be brushed or groomed to restore its appearance and texture. Any remaining stains or spots may also be treated as needed.